
Put heart on palm or taejaisaiphamue
Tajaisaifhamue(Put heart on palm)
Tajaisaifhamue(Put heart on palm)
This activities use for transfer the knowledge between groups to person or person to person when we have the knowledge to give some one, we will talk about the process of the transferring knowledge with compound of input process and product (or objectives we want to happen in someone) Tajaisaifhamue(Put heart on palm) is the process to media which wish and would like to transfer the knowledge and take care understanding helping
And problem solving to co-coordinated in activities and connected to acting learning when the activities were end.
The most important would like to put in this process is the Merit ethics, it is necessary this mean smile and kindness, has the necessity to growth and cause concrete object in all the learners.

About sungkreebwa

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2 Responses to taejaisaifarmue

  1. sungkreebwa says:

    this is the new idea for check and transfering knowledge in learning process.

  2. sungkreebwa says:

    System for thinking in NAPINMODEL TO GARJUBMODULE for example…
    Systems thinking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_thinking
    Mental Model Musings http://www.systems-thinking.org/index.htm
    Systems theory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_theory
    Explore systems thinking http://www.ecoliteracy.org/ , http://www.ecoliteracy.org/nature-our-teacher/systems-thinking
    Systems Thinking & System Dynamics
    The system thinking is helpful for setting framework, one in five methods in napinmodel to
    Garjubmodule “the paradise’ world” the necessary of the system thinking theory very important to tell and check the idea thinking creative innovation magnitude and blight procedure to done and help see the image of outline to thinking illustrate very true and best.
    Procedure and theory to implement help napinmodel to garjubmodule “the paradise’ world” and success in knowledge management to done are main 5 procedure and theory, organization theory, system theory, situation theory, connection theory, and public relationship theory. Each theory has the best to practicing and done. The applied, utilized and synthesized is the procedure to integrate for napinmodel to garjubmodule “the paradise’ world”

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